Effectively managing a project’s risk from its infancy through project turnover is essential; ensuring safety begins well before and extends well beyond the main phases of a construction project…
Featured News
Five Tips for Safety
Here are five tips every operator should know when utilizing a forklift. By following these tips, you can create a safer workplace, reduce accidents, and improve productivity…
RHC Awarded CHASE Blue Level
This distinguished status was made possible through Roger Hickel Contracting’s commitment to safety and health and with technical assistance from SafeLogic Alaska, LLC…
Cornerstone Wins First Place
Cornerstone General Contractors took First Place in the 2020 Willis Towers Watson Construction Safety Excellence Awards…
My Story: Randee Johnson
I am a 33-year-old woman with a big heart and a strong passion for safety….
COVID Steals the Spotlight
As Alaska businesses scramble to maintain and gain compliance with the landscape of COVID-19-related issues…